Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Kim Sisters were arguably the first girl group in the history of Korean popular music. They debuted in their teens in the early 1950s, and were extremely popular among U.S. soldiers stationed in Korea. They played many instruments and danced, and enjoyed substantial success in the United States when they debuted there in 1959. After returning to Korea in 1970, they released a number of hit songs.

Hoping to emulate the Kim Sisters’ success, there were many new “sister” groups from the late 1950s.

When did this transmute into the current manufactured girl band format of four or five girls singing cute songs and pleasing mainly the eyes of male fans? Renowned pop critic Im Jin-mo says, “Since girl groups are normally the product of an entertainment management agency in all aspects of the making — from the appearance of each member of the groups to every song they sing, the first girl ‘idol’ group in Korea would have been S.E.S.”
posted by ♥ Mikeru Wei ♥ at 8:03 PM |


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